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Add Provider To An Existing Command

This page will walk through adding a data provider to an existing endpoint, using a standard model. At a high level, the process will look something like:

  • Document the parameters and returned fields from the chosen data provider.
  • Find the existing standard model that is mapped to the router endpoint.
  • Identify any common parameters and fields to map.
  • Build the provider models and Fetcher class by inheriting from the standard models.
  • Map the new provider model to the router.
  • Rebuild the Python interface and static assets.
  • Add unit tests.
  • Add integration tests.
  • Submit a pull request.

Before getting started, get a few housekeeping items in order:

  • Clone the GitHub repo and navigate into the project's folder.
    • If you have already done this, update your local branch:
      • git fetch
      • git pull origin develop
  • Install the OpenBB Platform in "editable" mode.
    • cd openbb_platform
    • python -e
  • Rebuild the Python interface and static assets.
    • import openbb
  • Create a new local branch (pick a relevant name and use dashes for multiple words), always beginning with feature/.
    • git checkout -b feature/av-historical-eps

Let's get started!

Identify What's Being Added

For this example, we will be adding a user-requested data set from AlphaVantage, historical EPS. There is an existing GitHub issue that we will link to in the submitted pull request. By linking the issue, it will be closed automatically on merge.

Here's what we know about this AlphaVantage API endpoint:


This API returns the annual and quarterly earnings (EPS) for the company of interest. Quarterly data also includes analyst estimates and surprise metrics.

Provider API Documentation

The documentation for this endpoint is, This link will be added to the query parameters model docstring.

Base URL

The base URL structure will be different for each provider, AlphaVantage identifies a function for each request as the first parameter.


Source Parameters

Ignoring function and api_key, there is only one parameter for this function.

symbol: str = "IBM"

Source Response

They provide a sample JSON output, returning both annual and quarterly data in the same response.

"symbol": "IBM",
"annualEarnings": [
"fiscalDateEnding": "2023-12-31",
"reportedEPS": "9.61"
"fiscalDateEnding": "2022-12-31",
"reportedEPS": "9.12"
"quarterlyEarnings": [
"fiscalDateEnding": "2023-12-31",
"reportedDate": "2024-01-24",
"reportedEPS": "3.87",
"estimatedEPS": "3.78",
"surprise": "0.09",
"surprisePercentage": "2.381"
"fiscalDateEnding": "2023-09-30",
"reportedDate": "2023-10-25",
"reportedEPS": "2.2",
"estimatedEPS": "2.13",
"surprise": "0.07",
"surprisePercentage": "3.2864"

Here's what we know about the existing router endpoint and standard model:

OpenBB Endpoint

The function we are adding AlphaVantage as a source to is:

from openbb import obb

obb.equity.fundamental.historical_eps(symbol = "IBM", limit=5, provider="fmp")

FMP is currently the only source for this endpoint. There are only two parameters, symbol and limit. The limit argument determines how many quarters to go back.

Standard Model

The standard model is defined by, HistoricalEps.

from openbb_core.provider.standard_models.historical_eps import HistoricalEpsData, HistoricalEpsQueryParams

Each standard model consists of two classes, QueryParams and Data. The name of each model begins with a CamelCase representation of the endpoint, HistoricalEps, with some instances warranting abbreviations. Files are always named with lower snake_case.

HistoricalEps is what we will reference in the router when we get there.

Standard QueryParams

The HistoricalEpsQueryParams model defines only one parameter, symbol. It includes a validation method for converting the symbol to upper case.

class HistoricalEpsQueryParams(QueryParams):
"""Historical EPS Query."""

symbol: str = Field(description=QUERY_DESCRIPTIONS.get("symbol", ""))

@field_validator("symbol", mode="before", check_fields=False)
def upper_symbol(cls, v: str) -> str:
"""Convert symbol to uppercase."""
return v.upper()

We will inherit from this class to create our QueryParams model, specific to AlphaVantage. The model will be named, AlphaVantageHistoricalEpsQueryParams. Don't worry about it being too long.

Standard Data

The HistoricalEpsData model defines some fields, with two being mandatory: date and symbol. It includes a validation method for converting the date from an ISO string to a datetime object.

class HistoricalEpsData(Data):
"""Historical EPS Data."""

date: dateType = Field(default=None, description=DATA_DESCRIPTIONS.get("date", ""))
symbol: str = Field(description=DATA_DESCRIPTIONS.get("symbol", ""))
announce_time: Optional[str] = Field(
default=None, description="Timing of the earnings announcement."
eps_actual: Optional[float] = Field(
default=None, description="Actual EPS from the earnings date."
eps_estimated: Optional[float] = Field(
default=None, description="Estimated EPS for the earnings date."

@field_validator("date", mode="before", check_fields=False)
def date_validate(cls, v): # pylint: disable=E0213
"""Return formatted datetime."""
return parser.isoparse(str(v))

Now we know exactly what is going to be added, and how we should structure our query to fetch the data. This endpoint is not overly complex but harmonizing many input parameters, and the potentially endless data fields, across many providers is a challenge.

So far, we have knocked out three of the outlined tasks.

  • Catalogue the parameters and returned fields from the chosen data provider.
  • Find the existing standard model that is mapped to the router endpoint.
  • Identify common parameters and fields to map.

Let's get on with the fun stuff and start building!

Build the Provider Model

Create a New File

The first step is to create a new file in the provider extension folder:


We will call this file:

The first line of the file should be a docstring, followed by the import statements.

Import Statements

Every model will be different, but most items below will be typical of nearly every data provider model. Variations will come from design choices for HTTP requests, or other requirements. We won't get into that here though.

"""AlphaVantage Historical EPS Model."""

# pylint: disable=unused-argument

from datetime import date as dateType
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional
from warnings import warn

from openbb_core.provider.abstract.fetcher import Fetcher
from openbb_core.provider.standard_models.historical_eps import (
from openbb_core.provider.utils.descriptions import QUERY_DESCRIPTIONS
from openbb_core.provider.utils.errors import EmptyDataError
from openbb_core.provider.utils.helpers import (
from pydantic import Field, field_validator

Define The QueryParams

Define a class that inherits from the standard model's QueryParams and put a link to the source documentation, if it exists, in the docstring.

We'll define a field to return either, annualEarnings or quarterlyEarnings. Other endpoints call this parameter period, so we will do the same here. Adding a limit parameter will provide more flexibility, even though we can't control that from the source.

If a parameter is common, like date or period are, they will have a standardized description. The description will display in the function's signature and Fast API Swagger docs.

To allow multiple items in a query parameters field - i.e, a list of tickers - we can add the __json_schema_extra__ dictionary to the top of the model. If there are any fields to map on output, define them with the __alias_dict__ dictionary.

class AlphaVantageHistoricalEpsQueryParams(HistoricalEpsQueryParams):
AlphaVantage Historical EPS Query Params.


__json_schema_extra__ = {"symbol": ["multiple_items_allowed"]}

period: Literal["annual", "quarter"] = Field(
default="quarter", description=QUERY_DESCRIPTIONS.get("period", "")
limit: Optional[int] = Field(
default=None, description=QUERY_DESCRIPTIONS.get("limit", "")

Define The Data Model

In the sample output data from AlphaVantage, we know that there are two date fields; however, only 'fiscalDateEnding' is returned in both time intervals. This makes it the right candidate to map to the date field in the standard model.

Mapping is done via __alias_dict__, a dictionary defined at the top of the class before any fields. Leave it out if there's nothing to map.


If a field represents a percent, we want to always return it as a normalized decimal value - i.e, 1% is 0.01 - so that downstream processes can use values directly in formulas without needing to figure out if 1 means 1% or 100%.

If the data source returns the numbers (or null values) as a string (maybe with a % character), we will clean it using a field_validator.

We communicate this to the frontend, via json_schema_extra, in the field definition so the values can be correctly displayed.

By ensuring this small detail, we contribute to the overall standardization of data.

class AlphaVantageHistoricalEpsData(HistoricalEpsData):
"""AlphaVantage Historical EPS Data."""

__alias_dict__ = {
"date": "fiscalDateEnding",
"eps_actual": "reportedEPS",
"eps_estimated": "estimatedEPS",
"surprise_percent": "surprisePercentage",
"reported_date": "reportedDate",

surprise: Optional[float] = Field(
description="Surprise in EPS (Actual - Estimated).",
surprise_percent: Optional[float] = Field(
description="EPS surprise as a normalized percent.",
json_schema_extra={"x-unit_measurement": "percent", "x-frontend_multiply": 100},
reported_date: Optional[dateType] = Field(
description="Date of the earnings report.",

def validate_null(cls, v):
"""Clean None returned as a string."""
return None if str(v).strip() == "None" or str(v) == "0" else v

@field_validator("surprise_percent", mode="before", check_fields=False)
def normalize_percent(cls, v):
"""Normalize percent values."""
if isinstance(v, str) and v == "None" or str(v) == "0":
return None
return float(v) / 100

Build the Fetcher Class

Provider models have a total of three classes, QueryParams, Data, and Fetcher. The Fetcher is what gets executed by the router and divides the request into three distinct processes that can be serviced individually. We define it as a Transform-Extract-Transform (TET) process because we:

  • Transform the query from the user input into the specific format required for each provider.
  • Extract the data from the provider endpoint.
  • Transform the data into a standard format (the model or a list of models).

Each process is a static method, and breaking it down makes it easier to debug any points of failure.

class AVHistoricalEpsFetcher(
"""AlphaVantage Historical EPS Fetcher."""

def transform_query(params: Dict[str, Any]) -> AlphaVantageHistoricalEpsQueryParams:
"""Transform the query params."""
# If no transformations are required, simply return the validated model.
return AlphaVantageHistoricalEpsQueryParams(**params)

async def aextract_data(
query: AlphaVantageHistoricalEpsQueryParams,
credentials: Optional[Dict[str, str]],
**kwargs: Any,
) -> List[Dict]:
"""Return the raw data from the AlphaVantage endpoint."""

api_key = credentials.get("alpha_vantage_api_key") if credentials else "DEMO"


# We are allowing multiple symbols to be passed in the query, so we need to handle that.
symbols = query.symbol.split(",")

urls = [
f"{BASE_URL}symbol={symbol}&apikey={api_key}" for symbol in symbols

results = []

# We need to make a custom callback function for this async request.
async def response_callback(response: ClientResponse, _: ClientSession):
"""Response callback function."""
symbol = response.url.query.get("symbol", None)
data = await response.json()
target = "annualEarnings" if query.period == "annual" else "quarterlyEarnings"
result = []
# If data is returned, append it to the results list.
if data:
result = [
"symbol": symbol,
for d in data.get(target, []) # type: ignore
if query.limit is not None:

# If no data is returned, raise a warning and move on to the next symbol.
if not data:
warn(f"Symbol Error: No data found for {symbol}")

await amake_requests(urls, response_callback, **kwargs) # type: ignore

return results

def transform_data(
query: AlphaVantageHistoricalEpsQueryParams,
data: List[Dict],
**kwargs: Any,
) -> List[AlphaVantageHistoricalEpsData]:
"""Transform the raw data into the standard model."""
if not data:
raise EmptyDataError("No data found.")
return [AlphaVantageHistoricalEpsData.model_validate(d) for d in data]

Combining all of the code blocks above, beginning with the import statements section, makes a complete file and we have finished step 4.

  • Build the provider models and Fetcher class by inheriting from the standard models.

Map To Router

Mapping to the router is done in the file, one folder back from the models folder where we created the file.

We import the Fetcher that was created, and then map it in the fetcher_dict property of the Provider class.

"""Alpha Vantage Provider module."""

from openbb_alpha_vantage.models.equity_historical import AVEquityHistoricalFetcher
from openbb_alpha_vantage.models.historical_eps import AVHistoricalEpsFetcher
from openbb_core.provider.abstract.provider import Provider

alpha_vantage_provider = Provider(
description="""Alpha Vantage provides realtime and historical
financial market data through a set of powerful and developer-friendly data APIs
and spreadsheets. From traditional asset classes (e.g., stocks, ETFs, mutual funds)
to economic indicators, from foreign exchange rates to commodities,
from fundamental data to technical indicators, Alpha Vantage
is your one-stop-shop for enterprise-grade global market data delivered through
cloud-based APIs, Excel, and Google Sheets. """,
"EquityHistorical": AVEquityHistoricalFetcher,
"HistoricalEps": AVHistoricalEpsFetcher,

Step 5 is complete.

  • Map the new provider model to the router.

Rebuild Static Assets

When modifying router components or model definitions, the Python interface needs to be rebuilt before use. Open a terminal, with the obb environment active, start a new Python session, and enter:

import openbb


If changes are only made to the static methods within the Fetcher, rebuilding is not required. Restart the Python interpreter to apply the edits.

Step 6 is done.

  • Rebuild the Python interface and static assets.

We can now run the function and test our work.

from openbb import obb


Checking the annual setting:


We can see that the most recent annual data point only represent the first quarter of Apple's fiscal year, and this is something to keep in mind while working with the data.

To check that the warning is being transmitted, enter a bad symbol in the list.

obb.equity.fundamental.historical_eps(symbol="AAPL,BAD_SYMBOL", provider="alpha_vantage").warnings
[Warning_(category='UserWarning', message='Symbol Error: No data found for BAD_SYMBOL')]

With confidence that the endpoint is working as expected, let's move on to unit and integration tests.

Add Tests

Adding tests doesn't take a lot of effort. In most cases, copying and pasting from an existing one will do the job.

Unit Tests

Unit tests are located in the provider extension folder.


There will be one test file dedicated to testing each fetcher in the provider extension. Our file is:

The unit tests leverage the Fetcher class' built-in testing methods. It checks that the data is being returned, that types are conformed to their definitions, and that the model validates. It relies on pytest and captures a HTTP cassette. Here's what our test file will look like:

from datetime import date

import pytest
from openbb_alpha_vantage.models.equity_historical import AVEquityHistoricalFetcher
from openbb_alpha_vantage.models.historical_eps import AVHistoricalEpsFetcher
from import UserService

test_credentials = UserService().default_user_settings.credentials.model_dump(

def vcr_config():
return {
"filter_headers": [("User-Agent", None)],
"filter_query_parameters": [
("apikey", "MOCK_API_KEY"),

def test_av_equity_historical_fetcher(credentials=test_credentials):
params = {
"symbol": "AAPL",
"start_date": date(2023, 1, 1),
"end_date": date(2023, 1, 10),
"interval": "15m",

fetcher = AVEquityHistoricalFetcher()
result = fetcher.test(params, credentials)
assert result is None

def test_av_historical_eps_fetcher(credentials=test_credentials):
params = {
"symbol": "AAPL,MSFT",
"period": "quarter",
"limit": 4

fetcher = AVHistoricalEpsFetcher()
result = fetcher.test(params, credentials)
assert result is None

That's all there is to it, we can capture the cassette now. Open a terminal, navigate into the tests folder from above, with the obb environment active, and enter:

pytest --record http --record-no-overwrite

A successful test will result in a file being created in the record subfolder. Check the file for any obvious errors.

Step 7 is done.

  • Add unit tests.

Integration Tests

Integration tests are even easier to add here, we just need to add a set of parameters for the new provider to the existing test. These tests are located in the extensions folder, where the routers are, under integration.


There are two files here, one for the Python interface, and the other for the Fast API.


There will be at least one test for every router endpoint, which expects all providers and parameters to be supplied. The structure will be the same for all functions. Snippets below will include the import statements, setup, and our function - historical_eps.

Python Test

"""Python interface integration tests for the equity extension."""

from datetime import time

import pytest
from extensions.tests.conftest import parametrize
from import OBBject

# pylint: disable=too-many-lines,redefined-outer-name

# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,inconsistent-return-statements
def obb(pytestconfig):
"""Fixture to setup obb."""
if pytestconfig.getoption("markexpr") != "not integration":
import openbb

return openbb.obb

({"symbol": "AAPL", "limit": 5, "provider": "fmp"}),
"symbol": "AAPL",
"period": "quarter",
"limit": 5,
"provider": "alpha_vantage"
def test_equity_fundamental_historical_eps(params, obb):
params = {p: v for p, v in params.items() if v}

result = obb.equity.fundamental.historical_eps(**params)
assert result
assert isinstance(result, OBBject)
assert len(result.results) > 0

Run this test by navigating into the folder above and entering:


If tests not related to the items being touched directly are failing, don't worry about them. That's out of scope.

API Test

The API test is slightly different, but the params can be copied and pasted from the Python test. In addition to basic checks, it will fail when values returned are not JSON serializable.

"""API integration tests for equity extension."""

import base64
from datetime import time

import pytest
import requests
from extensions.tests.conftest import parametrize
from openbb_core.env import Env
from openbb_core.provider.utils.helpers import get_querystring

# pylint: disable=too-many-lines,redefined-outer-name

def headers():
userpass = f"{Env().API_USERNAME}:{Env().API_PASSWORD}"
userpass_bytes = userpass.encode("ascii")
base64_bytes = base64.b64encode(userpass_bytes)

return {"Authorization": f"Basic {base64_bytes.decode('ascii')}"}

({"symbol": "AAPL", "limit": 5, "provider": "fmp"}),
"symbol": "AAPL",
"period": "quarter",
"limit": 5,
"provider": "alpha_vantage"
def test_equity_fundamental_historical_eps(params, headers):
params = {p: v for p, v in params.items() if v}

query_str = get_querystring(params, [])
url = f"{query_str}"
result = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=10)
assert isinstance(result, requests.Response)
assert result.status_code == 200

To run this test, we will need to open a second terminal and start the server.

uvicorn openbb_core.api.rest_api:app

Go back to the other terminal and run the test by entering:


Step 8 is done.

  • Add integration tests.

All that's left now is to submit the work as a pull request for review.

Submit A Pull Request

We're already on the correct branch, feature/av-historical-eps, but it may be out-of-sync with the develop branch. Let's update it just to be sure.

git fetch
git pull origin develop


Before opening a pull request, run the linters over all files that were touched.

  • black
  • ruff
  • mypy
  • pylint

Fix all items, and valid fixes for pylint can be disabling on that line. It won't always know what is contextually correct.

Add Files To Commit

When preparing to commit changes to the local branch, only add the files directly touched. Here are all the files we touched in this process:

  • openbb_platform/providers/alpha_vantage/openbb_alpha_vantage/models/
  • openbb_platopenbb_platform/providers/alpha_vantage/openbb_alpha_vantage/
  • openbb_platform/providers/alpha_vantage/tests/
  • openbb_platform/providers/alpha_vantage/tests/record/test_av_historical_eps_fetchers.yaml
  • openbb_platform/extensions/equity/integration/
  • openbb_platform/extensions/equity/integration/

Install Pre-Commit Hooks

The pre-commit hooks will run the testing suite locally before the commit is made. Install them from the root of the GitHub project folder, OpenBBTerminal.

pre-commit install

Commit Changes

git commit -m "adds AlphaVantage to historical_eps"

Push Changes

Assuming the commit is successful, push the changes to the remote branch.

git push --set-upstream origin feature/av-historical-eps

Open a Pull Request

A pull request, in general, should have details on why the PR was created, what the changes are, what the impact is to existing users and infrastructure, how it was tested, and any other relevant information for reviewers and maintainers to consider.

  1. Why? (1-3 sentences or a bullet point list):

    • This PR is the result of a development documentation page created (not in this PR).

    • Closes #6104, a user feature request.

  2. What? (1-3 sentences or a bullet point list):

    • Adds AlphaVantage as a provider to obb.equity.fundamental.historical_eps()
  3. Impact (1-2 sentences or a bullet point list):

    • Is not a breaking change.

    • Does not introduce any changes other than adding the provider to this endpoint.

  4. Testing Done:

    • Created unit test and integration tests.

    • Used a variety of symbols, single and lists, to check that the EmptyDataError and symbol warnings are catching correctly.


With this final step, we have completed all the tasks outlined at the top of the page. Thank you for your contributions!

This guide was based on a true story, see the pull request here