Using OpenBB With FastAPI and Depends
This page demonstrates how to efficiently import the OpenBB Python package into a FastAPI application, for use in any endpoint.
The code below is a complete example for wrapping the Python interface in an API that calls obb.equity.price.quote
Best practice would be to create, OpenBBApp
, as a separate file and import directly in each router file requiring it.
"""Example of using the OpenBB Python Interface as a FastAPI Dependency."""
from typing import Annotated
from import SingletonMeta
from fastapi import (
app = FastAPI()
class OpenBB(metaclass=SingletonMeta):
def __init__(self):
import openbb
self._obb = openbb.sdk
def obb(self):
return self._obb
def get_openbb():
return OpenBB().obb
OpenBBApp = Annotated[OpenBB, Depends(get_openbb)]
async def quote(obb: OpenBBApp, symbol: str = "AAPL", provider: str = "yfinance"):
return obb.equity.price.quote(symbol, provider=provider).model_dump()["results"]
if __name__ == "__main__":
import uvicorn
Launch the server by copying the code block above into a new file, then run it as a script from the command line.