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Options Chains

Implementation details

Class names

Model nameParameters classData class

Import Statement

from openbb_core.provider.standard_models.options_chains import (


symbolstrSymbol to get data for.False


underlying_symbolList[str]Underlying symbol for the option.
underlying_priceList[float]Price of the underlying stock.
contract_symbolList[str]Contract symbol for the option.
eod_dateList[date]Date for which the options chains are returned.
expirationList[date]Expiration date of the contract.
dteList[int]Days to expiration of the contract.
strikeList[float]Strike price of the contract.
option_typeList[str]Call or Put.
contract_sizeList[Union[int, float]]Number of underlying units per contract.
open_interestList[Union[int, float]]Open interest on the contract.
volumeList[Union[int, float]]The trading volume.
theoretical_priceList[float]Theoretical value of the option.
last_trade_priceList[float]Last trade price of the option.
last_trade_sizeList[Union[int, float]]Last trade size of the option.
last_trade_timeList[datetime]The timestamp of the last trade.
tickList[str]Whether the last tick was up or down in price.
bidList[float]Current bid price for the option.
bid_sizeList[Union[int, float]]Bid size for the option.
bid_timeList[datetime]The timestamp of the bid price.
bid_exchangeList[str]The exchange of the bid price.
askList[float]Current ask price for the option.
ask_sizeList[Union[int, float]]Ask size for the option.
ask_timeList[datetime]The timestamp of the ask price.
ask_exchangeList[str]The exchange of the ask price.
markList[float]The mid-price between the latest bid and ask.
openList[float]The open price.
open_bidList[float]The opening bid price for the option that day.
open_askList[float]The opening ask price for the option that day.
highList[float]The high price.
bid_highList[float]The highest bid price for the option that day.
ask_highList[float]The highest ask price for the option that day.
lowList[float]The low price.
bid_lowList[float]The lowest bid price for the option that day.
ask_lowList[float]The lowest ask price for the option that day.
closeList[float]The close price.
close_sizeList[Union[int, float]]The closing trade size for the option that day.
close_timeList[datetime]The time of the closing price for the option that day.
close_bidList[float]The closing bid price for the option that day.
close_bid_sizeList[Union[int, float]]The closing bid size for the option that day.
close_bid_timeList[datetime]The time of the bid closing price for the option that day.
close_askList[float]The closing ask price for the option that day.
close_ask_sizeList[Union[int, float]]The closing ask size for the option that day.
close_ask_timeList[datetime]The time of the ask closing price for the option that day.
prev_closeList[float]The previous close price.
changeList[float]The change in the price of the option.
change_percentList[float]Change, in normalized percentage points, of the option.
implied_volatilityList[float]Implied volatility of the option.
deltaList[float]Delta of the option.
gammaList[float]Gamma of the option.
thetaList[float]Theta of the option.
vegaList[float]Vega of the option.
rhoList[float]Rho of the option.