Equity Screener
Implementation details
Class names
Model name | Parameters class | Data class |
EquityScreener | EquityScreenerQueryParams | EquityScreenerData |
Import Statement
from openbb_core.provider.standard_models.equity_screener import (
- standard
- finviz
- fmp
- nasdaq
- yfinance
Name | Type | Description | Default | Optional |
; |
Name | Type | Description | Default | Optional |
metric | Literal['overview', 'valuation', 'financial', 'ownership', 'performance', 'technical'] | The data group to return, default is 'overview'. | overview | True |
exchange | Literal['all', 'amex', 'nasdaq', 'nyse'] | Filter by exchange. | all | True |
index | Literal['all', 'dow', 'nasdaq', 'sp500', 'russell'] | Filter by index. | all | True |
sector | Literal['all', 'energy', 'materials', 'industrials', 'consumer_cyclical', 'consumer_defensive', 'financial', 'healthcare', 'technology', 'communication_services', 'utilities', 'real_estate'] | Filter by sector. | all | True |
industry | str | Filter by industry. | all | True |
mktcap | Literal['all', 'mega', 'large', 'large_over', 'large_under', 'mid', 'mid_over', 'mid_under', 'small', 'small_over', 'small_under', 'micro', 'micro_over', 'micro_under', 'nano'] | Filter by market cap. Mega - > 200B; Large - 10B - 200B; Mid - 2B - 10B; Small - 300M - 2B; Micro - 50M - 300M; Nano - < 50M | all | True |
recommendation | Literal['all', 'strong_buy', 'buy+', 'buy', 'hold+', 'hold', 'hold-', 'sell', 'sell-', 'strong_sell'] | Filter by analyst recommendation. | all | True |
signal | str | The Finviz screener signal to use. When no parameters are provided, the screener defaults to 'top_gainers'. Available signals are:; channel: both support and resistance trendlines are horizontal; channel_down: both support and resistance trendlines slope downward; channel_up: both support and resistance trendlines slope upward; double_bottom: stock with 'W' shape that indicates a bullish reversal in trend; double_top: stock with 'M' shape that indicates a bearish reversal in trend; downgrades: stocks downgraded by analysts today; earnings_after: companies reporting earnings today, after market close; earnings_before: companies reporting earnings today, before market open; head_shoulders: chart formation that predicts a bullish-to-bearish trend reversal; head_shoulders_inverse: chart formation that predicts a bearish-to-bullish trend reversal; horizontal_sr: horizontal channel of price range between support and resistance trendlines; major_news: stocks with the highest news coverage today; most_active: stocks with the highest trading volume today; most_volatile: stocks with the highest widest high/low trading range today; multiple_bottom: same as double_bottom hitting more lows; multiple_top: same as double_top hitting more highs; new_high: stocks making 52-week high today; new_low: stocks making 52-week low today; overbought: stock is becoming overvalued and may experience a pullback. oversold: oversold stocks may represent a buying opportunity for investors; recent_insider_buying: stocks with recent insider buying activity; recent_insider_selling: stocks with recent insider selling activity; tl_resistance: once a rising trendline is broken; tl_support: once a falling trendline is broken; top_gainers: stocks with the highest price gain percent today; top_losers: stocks with the highest price percent loss today; triangle_ascending: upward trendline support and horizontal trendline resistance; triangle_descending: horizontal trendline support and downward trendline resistance; unusual_volume: stocks with unusually high volume today - the highest relative volume ratio; upgrades: stocks upgraded by analysts today; wedge: upward trendline support, downward trendline resistance (contiunation); wedge_down: downward trendline support and downward trendline resistance (reversal); wedge_up: upward trendline support and upward trendline resistance (reversal) | None | True |
preset | str | A configured preset file to use for the query. This overrides all other query parameters except 'metric', and 'limit'. Presets (.ini text files) can be created and modified in the '~/OpenBBUserData/finviz/presets' directory. If the path does not exist, it will be created and populated with the default presets on the first run. Refer to the file, 'screener_template.ini', for the format and options. ; Note: Syntax of parameters in preset files must follow the template file exactly - i.e, Analyst Recom. = Strong Buy (1) | None | True |
filters_dict | Union[Dict, str] | A formatted dictionary, or serialized JSON string, of additional filters to apply to the query. This parameter can be used as an alternative to preset files, and is ignored when a preset is supplied. Invalid entries will raise an error. Syntax should follow the 'screener_template.ini' file. | None | True |
limit | int | The number of data entries to return. | None | True |
Name | Type | Description | Default | Optional |
mktcap_min | int | Filter by market cap greater than this value. | None | True |
mktcap_max | int | Filter by market cap less than this value. | None | True |
price_min | float | Filter by price greater than this value. | None | True |
price_max | float | Filter by price less than this value. | None | True |
beta_min | float | Filter by a beta greater than this value. | None | True |
beta_max | float | Filter by a beta less than this value. | None | True |
volume_min | int | Filter by volume greater than this value. | None | True |
volume_max | int | Filter by volume less than this value. | None | True |
dividend_min | float | Filter by dividend amount greater than this value. | None | True |
dividend_max | float | Filter by dividend amount less than this value. | None | True |
is_etf | bool | If true, returns only ETFs. | False | True |
is_active | bool | If false, returns only inactive tickers. | True | True |
sector | Literal['consumer_cyclical', 'energy', 'technology', 'industrials', 'financial_services', 'basic_materials', 'communication_services', 'consumer_defensive', 'healthcare', 'real_estate', 'utilities', 'industrial_goods', 'financial', 'services'] | Filter by sector. | None | True |
industry | str | Filter by industry. | None | True |
country | str | Filter by country, as a two-letter country code. | None | True |
exchange | Literal['amex', 'ams', 'ase', 'asx', 'ath', 'bme', 'bru', 'bud', 'bue', 'cai', 'cnq', 'cph', 'dfm', 'doh', 'etf', 'euronext', 'hel', 'hkse', 'ice', 'iob', 'ist', 'jkt', 'jnb', 'jpx', 'kls', 'koe', 'ksc', 'kuw', 'lse', 'mex', 'mutual_fund', 'nasdaq', 'neo', 'nse', 'nyse', 'nze', 'osl', 'otc', 'pnk', 'pra', 'ris', 'sao', 'sau', 'set', 'sgo', 'shh', 'shz', 'six', 'sto', 'tai', 'tlv', 'tsx', 'two', 'vie', 'wse', 'xetra'] | Filter by exchange. | None | True |
limit | int | Limit the number of results to return. | 50000 | True |
Name | Type | Description | Default | Optional |
exchange | Union[Union[Literal['all', 'nasdaq', 'nyse', 'amex'], str], List[Union[Literal['all', 'nasdaq', 'nyse', 'amex'], str]]] | Filter by exchange. Multiple items allowed for provider(s): nasdaq. | all | True |
exsubcategory | Union[Union[Literal['all', 'ngs', 'ngm', 'ncm', 'adr'], str], List[Union[Literal['all', 'ngs', 'ngm', 'ncm', 'adr'], str]]] | Filter by exchange subcategory. NGS - Nasdaq Global Select Market; NGM - Nasdaq Global Market; NCM - Nasdaq Capital Market; ADR - American Depository Receipt Multiple items allowed for provider(s): nasdaq. | all | True |
mktcap | Union[Union[Literal['all', 'mega', 'large', 'mid', 'small', 'micro'], str], List[Union[Literal['all', 'mega', 'large', 'mid', 'small', 'micro'], str]]] | Filter by market cap. Mega - > 200B; Large - 10B - 200B; Mid - 2B - 10B; Small - 300M - 2B; Micro - 50M - 300M Multiple items allowed for provider(s): nasdaq. | all | True |
recommendation | Union[Union[Literal['all', 'strong_buy', 'buy', 'hold', 'sell', 'strong_sell'], str], List[Union[Literal['all', 'strong_buy', 'buy', 'hold', 'sell', 'strong_sell'], str]]] | Filter by consensus analyst action. Multiple items allowed for provider(s): nasdaq. | all | True |
sector | Union[Union[Literal['all', 'energy', 'basic_materials', 'industrials', 'consumer_staples', 'consumer_discretionary', 'health_care', 'financial_services', 'technology', 'communication_services', 'utilities', 'real_estate'], str], List[Union[Literal['all', 'energy', 'basic_materials', 'industrials', 'consumer_staples', 'consumer_discretionary', 'health_care', 'financial_services', 'technology', 'communication_services', 'utilities', 'real_estate'], str]]] | Filter by sector. Multiple items allowed for provider(s): nasdaq. | all | True |
region | Union[Union[Literal['all', 'africa', 'asia', 'australia_and_south_pacific', 'caribbean', 'europe', 'middle_east', 'north_america', 'south_america'], str], List[Union[Literal['all', 'africa', 'asia', 'australia_and_south_pacific', 'caribbean', 'europe', 'middle_east', 'north_america', 'south_america'], str]]] | Filter by region. Multiple items allowed for provider(s): nasdaq. | all | True |
country | Union[Union[Literal['all', 'argentina', 'armenia', 'australia', 'austria', 'belgium', 'bermuda', 'brazil', 'canada', 'cayman_islands', 'chile', 'colombia', 'costa_rica', 'curacao', 'cyprus', 'denmark', 'finland', 'france', 'germany', 'greece', 'guernsey', 'hong_kong', 'india', 'indonesia', 'ireland', 'isle_of_man', 'israel', 'italy', 'japan', 'jersey', 'luxembourg', 'macau', 'mexico', 'monaco', 'netherlands', 'norway', 'panama', 'peru', 'philippines', 'puerto_rico', 'russia', 'singapore', 'south_africa', 'south_korea', 'spain', 'sweden', 'switzerland', 'taiwan', 'turkey', 'united_kingdom', 'united_states', 'usa'], str], List[Union[Literal['all', 'argentina', 'armenia', 'australia', 'austria', 'belgium', 'bermuda', 'brazil', 'canada', 'cayman_islands', 'chile', 'colombia', 'costa_rica', 'curacao', 'cyprus', 'denmark', 'finland', 'france', 'germany', 'greece', 'guernsey', 'hong_kong', 'india', 'indonesia', 'ireland', 'isle_of_man', 'israel', 'italy', 'japan', 'jersey', 'luxembourg', 'macau', 'mexico', 'monaco', 'netherlands', 'norway', 'panama', 'peru', 'philippines', 'puerto_rico', 'russia', 'singapore', 'south_africa', 'south_korea', 'spain', 'sweden', 'switzerland', 'taiwan', 'turkey', 'united_kingdom', 'united_states', 'usa'], str]]] | Filter by country. Multiple items allowed for provider(s): nasdaq. | all | True |
limit | int | Limit the number of results to return. | None | True |
Name | Type | Description | Default | Optional |
country | str | Filter by country, as a two-letter country code. Default is, 'us'. Use, 'all', for all countries. | us | True |
exchange | Literal['ams', 'aqs', 'ase', 'asx', 'ath', 'ber', 'bru', 'bse', 'bts', 'bud', 'bue', 'bvb', 'bvc', 'ccs', 'cnq', 'cph', 'cxe', 'dfm', 'doh', 'dus', 'ebs', 'fka', 'fra', 'ger', 'ham', 'han', 'hel', 'hkg', 'ice', 'iob', 'ise', 'ist', 'jkt', 'jnb', 'jpx', 'kls', 'kuw', 'lis', 'lit', 'lse', 'mce', 'mex', 'mil', 'mun', 'ncm', 'neo', 'ngm', 'nms', 'nsi', 'nyq', 'nze', 'oem', 'oqb', 'oqx', 'osl', 'par', 'pnk', 'pra', 'ris', 'sau', 'ses', 'set', 'sgo', 'shh', 'shz', 'sto', 'stu', 'tai', 'tal', 'tlv', 'tor', 'two', 'van', 'vie', 'vse', 'wse'] | Filter by exchange. | None | True |
sector | Literal['basic_materials', 'communication_services', 'consumer_cyclical', 'consumer_defensive', 'energy', 'financial_services', 'healthcare', 'industrials', 'real_estate', 'technology', 'utilities'] | Filter by sector. | None | True |
industry | str | Filter by industry. | None | True |
mktcap_min | int | Filter by market cap greater than this value. Default is 500M. | 500000000 | True |
mktcap_max | int | Filter by market cap less than this value. | None | True |
price_min | float | Filter by price greater than this value. Default is, 5 | 5 | True |
price_max | float | Filter by price less than this value. | None | True |
volume_min | int | Filter by volume greater than this value. Default is, 10K | 10000 | True |
volume_max | int | Filter by volume less than this value. | None | True |
beta_min | float | Filter by a beta greater than this value. | None | True |
beta_max | float | Filter by a beta less than this value. | None | True |
limit | int | Limit the number of results returned. Default is, 200. Set to, 0, for all results. | 200 | True |
- standard
- finviz
- fmp
- nasdaq
- yfinance
Name | Type | Description |
symbol | str | Symbol representing the entity requested in the data. |
name | str | Name of the company. |
Name | Type | Description |
symbol | str | Symbol representing the entity requested in the data. |
name | str | Name of the company. |
earnings_date | str | Earnings date, where 'a' and 'b' mean after and before market close, respectively. |
country | str | Country of the company. |
sector | str | Sector of the company. |
industry | str | Industry of the company. |
beta | float | Beta of the stock. |
analyst_recommendation | float | Analyst's mean recommendation. (1=Buy 5=Sell). |
market_cap | float | Market capitalization of the company. |
price | float | Price of a share. |
change_percent | float | Price change percentage. |
change_from_open | float | Price change percentage, from the opening price. |
gap | float | Price gap percentage, from the previous close. |
volume | Union[float, int] | The trading volume. |
volume_avg | Union[float, int] | 3-month average daily volume. |
volume_relative | float | Current volume relative to the average. |
average_true_range | float | Average true range (14). |
price_change_1w | float | One-week price return. |
price_change_1m | float | One-month price return. |
price_change_3m | float | Three-month price return. |
price_change_6m | float | Six-month price return. |
price_change_1y | float | One-year price return. |
price_change_ytd | float | Year-to-date price return. |
volatility_1w | float | One-week volatility. |
volatility_1m | float | One-month volatility. |
year_high_percent | float | Percent difference from current price to the 52-week high. |
year_low_percent | float | Percent difference from current price to the 52-week low. |
sma20_percent | float | Percent difference from current price to the 20-day simple moving average. |
sma50_percent | float | Percent difference from current price to the 50-day simple moving average. |
sma200_percent | float | Percent difference from current price to the 200-day simple moving average. |
rsi | float | Relative strength index (14). |
shares_outstanding | Union[float, int] | Number of shares outstanding. |
shares_float | Union[float, int] | Number of shares available to trade. |
short_interest | float | Percent of float reported as short. |
short_ratio | float | Short interest ratio |
insider_ownership | float | Insider ownership as a percentage. |
insider_ownership_change | float | 6-month change in insider ownership percentage. |
institutional_ownership | float | Institutional ownership as a percentage. |
institutional_ownership_change | float | 3-month change in institutional ownership percentage. |
price_to_earnings | float | Price to earnings ratio. |
forward_pe | float | Forward price to earnings ratio. |
peg_ratio | float | Price/Earnings-To-Growth (PEG) ratio. |
price_to_sales | float | Price to sales ratio. |
price_to_book | float | Price to book ratio. |
price_to_cash | float | Price to cash ratio. |
price_to_fcf | float | Price to free cash flow ratio. |
eps_growth_past_1y | float | EPS growth for this year. |
eps_growth_next_1y | float | EPS growth next year. |
eps_growth_past_5y | float | EPS growth for the previous 5 years. |
eps_growth_next_5y | float | EPS growth for the next 5 years. |
sales_growth_past_5y | float | Sales growth for the previous 5 years. |
dividend_yield | float | Annualized dividend yield. |
return_on_assets | float | Return on assets. |
return_on_equity | float | Return on equity. |
return_on_investment | float | Return on investment. |
current_ratio | float | Current ratio. |
quick_ratio | float | Quick ratio. |
long_term_debt_to_equity | float | Long term debt to equity ratio. |
debt_to_equity | float | Total debt to equity ratio. |
gross_margin | float | Gross margin. |
operating_margin | float | Operating margin. |
profit_margin | float | Profit margin. |
Name | Type | Description |
symbol | str | Symbol representing the entity requested in the data. |
name | str | Name of the company. |
market_cap | int | The market cap of ticker. |
sector | str | The sector the ticker belongs to. |
industry | str | The industry ticker belongs to. |
beta | float | The beta of the ETF. |
price | float | The current price. |
last_annual_dividend | float | The last annual amount dividend paid. |
volume | int | The current trading volume. |
exchange | str | The exchange code the asset trades on. |
exchange_name | str | The full name of the primary exchange. |
country | str | The two-letter country abbreviation where the head office is located. |
is_etf | Literal[True, False] | Whether the ticker is an ETF. |
actively_trading | Literal[True, False] | Whether the ETF is actively trading. |
Name | Type | Description |
symbol | str | Symbol representing the entity requested in the data. |
name | str | Name of the company. |
last_price | float | Last sale price. |
change | float | 1-day change in price. |
change_percent | float | 1-day percent change in price. |
market_cap | int | Market cap. |
Name | Type | Description |
symbol | str | Symbol representing the entity requested in the data. |
name | str | Name of the company. |
open | float | Open price for the day. |
high | float | High price for the day. |
low | float | Low price for the day. |
previous_close | float | Previous close price. |
ma50 | float | 50-day moving average. |
ma200 | float | 200-day moving average. |
year_high | float | 52-week high. |
year_low | float | 52-week low. |
market_cap | float | Market Cap. |
shares_outstanding | float | Shares outstanding. |
book_value | float | Book value per share. |
price_to_book | float | Price to book ratio. |
eps_ttm | float | Earnings per share over the trailing twelve months. |
eps_forward | float | Forward earnings per share. |
pe_forward | float | Forward price-to-earnings ratio. |
dividend_yield | float | Trailing twelve month dividend yield. |
exchange | str | Exchange where the stock is listed. |
exchange_timezone | str | Timezone of the exchange. |
earnings_date | datetime | Most recent earnings date. |
currency | str | Currency of the price data. |