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Configuration & Settings

In addition to the OpenBB Platform's user_settings.json file, described here, there are settings and environment variables affecting the CLI only.


API credentials are defined in the user_settings.json file.

Find all data providers here, and manage all your credentials directly on the OpenBB Hub.

Define default data sources by following the pattern outlined here

Settings Menu

The /settings menu provides methods for customizing the look and feel of the CLI. The menu is divided into two sections:

  • Feature Flags
    • On/Off status is reflected by red/green text.
    • Status is toggled by entering the item as a command.
  • Preferences
    • Choices and options will be presented as a typical function.

Feature Flags

Feature FlagsDescription
interactiveEnable/disable interactive tables. Disabling prints the table directly on the CLI screen.
clsClear the screen after each command. Default state is off.
promptkitEnable auto complete and history. Default state is on.
richpanelDisplays a border around menus. Default state is on.
tbhintDisplay usage hints in the bottom toolbar. Default state is on.
exithelpAutomatically print the screen after navigating back one menu. Default state is off.
overwriteAutomatically overwrite exported files with the same name. Default state is off.
obbject_msgDisplays a message whenever a new result is added to the registry. Default state is off.
versionDisplays the currently installed version number in the bottom right corner.


console_styleapply a custom rich style to the CLI
flairchoose flair icon
timezonepick timezone
languagetranslation language
n_rowsnumber of rows to show on non interactive tables
n_colsnumber of columns to show on non interactive tables
obbject_resdefine the maximum number of obbjects allowed in the registry
obbject_displaydefine the maximum number of cached results to display on the help menu