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When data needs to be included in the output, but should not be included in the serialized results, it can sent to the extra attribute of the OBBject command response by using the AnnotatedResult class.

A simple modification to the transform_data static method, in the provider's Fetcher class, is all that is required. The steps are outlined below.

How-To Add Metadata

Import Statement

  • Add an additional import to the provider's model file.
from openbb_core.provider.abstract.annotated_result import AnnotatedResult

Transform Data

  • Wrap the output type in the transform_data static method with this imported class.
def transform_data(
query: FredSeriesQueryParams,
data: List[Dict[str, Any]],
**kwargs: Any,
) -> AnnotatedResult[List[FredSeriesData]]:
"""Transform data."""
  • Return the AnnotatedResult class by initializing it with a dictionary of metadata and the validated data model.

Instead of something like this:

return [FredSeriesData.model_validate(d) for d in data]

It will be like this:

return AnnotatedResult(
result=[FredSeriesData.model_validate(r) for r in records],

metadata should be a valid Python dictionary with keys and values that are JSON-serializable.

The example above is a snippet from the FredSeries data model.