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What Is The Standardization Framework?

The Standardization Framework is a set of tools and guidelines that enable the user to query and obtain data in a consistent way across multiple providers.

Each provider data model should inherit from an already defined standard model. All standard models are created and maintained by the OpenBB team.

If a standard model needs to be created, please open a pull request and detail its use.

Standardizing provider query parameters and response data enhances the user experience by overcoming things like:

  • Consistent query parameters across all data sources for a function, or type of function.
  • Output data that has conformed types, is validated, and will be JSON serializable.
    • NaN, NaT, "None", empty strings, are always returned as NoneType (null).
  • Transparently defined schemas for the data and query parameters.
  • Outputs from multiple sources are comparable with each other and easily interchanged.

The standard models are all defined in the /OpenBBTerminal/openbb_platform/core/openbb_core/provider/standard_models/ directory.

What Is A Standard Model?

Every standard model consists of two classes, with each being a Pydantic model.

Any parameter or field can be assigned a custom field_validator, or the entire model can be passed through a model_validator on creation.


The standardization framework is a very powerful tool, but it has some caveats that you should be aware of:

  • We standardize fields and parameters that are shared between multiple providers.
    • In some cases, it can be undesirable to define common items in the standard model. In this event, we still want consistent names and descriptions.
  • When mapping the column names from a provider-specific model to the standard model, the CamelCase to snake_case conversion is done automatically. If the column names are not the same, you'll need to manually map them.
    • e.g., __alias_dict__ = {"o": "open"}
  • The standard models are created and maintained by the OpenBB team. If you want to add or modify a field within a standard model, you'll need to open a PR to the OpenBB Platform.