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Create New Router Extension

This page will walk through creating a new OpenBB router extension from scratch. By the end, you will have the shell structure for adding commands to the OpenBB Platform's interfaces.


Create Project Folder

Create a folder for the project. For this example, we will name the folder, empty_router.

Create pyproject.toml File

  • Open the folder and create a new file called, pyproject.toml.
name = "openbb-empty-router"
version = "0.0.1"
description = "An empty OpenBB Router extension"
authors = ["OpenBB Team <>"]
readme = ""
packages = [{ include = "openbb_empty_router" }]

python = "^3.8,<3.12"
openbb = "^4.2.0"

requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

empty = "openbb_empty_router.empty_router:router"

Create File

  • In the same location, create a new file called,
  • Open the file, then add a title and any other high-level information about the extension.
# Empty OpenBB Router Extension

An example Router extension for the OpenBB Platform.

Create Sub-Folder For Code

  • Create a sub-folder that begins with openbb and is followed by the name of the project folder, openbb_empty_router.

Create File

  • In the new sub-folder, create a new file called,
  • Add a docstring on the first line, followed by an empty line.
"""Empty Router Module."""

Create Router File

  • In the same location as the file just saved, create a new file called,

This is the file mapped at the bottom of the pyproject.toml file.

empty = "openbb_empty_router.empty_router:router"
  • Insert code for our command route.
"""Empty Router"""

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional
from import CommandContext
from import OBBject
from import (
from import Data
from import Query
from import Router
from import OBBject

router = Router(prefix="", description="An Empty OpenBB Router Extension.")

async def hello() -> OBBject[str]: # The output of every router command must be an instance of `OBBject`.
"""OpenBB Hello World."""
return OBBject(results="Hello from the Empty Router extension!")

# This is a clone of `obb.equity.price.historical`.
# The model can be replaced with a a different model from the Provider Interface.
async def empty_function(
cc: CommandContext,
provider_choices: ProviderChoices,
standard_params: StandardParams,
extra_params: ExtraParams,
) -> OBBject[Data]:
"""An empty function using the Provider Interface."""
return await OBBject.from_query(Query(**locals()))

Build Lock File

  • The Python environment should have toml and poetry installed as packages from PyPI.
pip install toml poetry
  • Navigate into the main folder, and with the environment active, enter:
poetry lock

Install Extension In Editable Mode

pip install -e .

The installation can be verified, and it should display a path similar to the one below. Everything else is installed under the site-packages of the environment.

pip list | grep openbb
openbb                  4.1.7
openbb-benzinga 1.1.5
openbb-commodity 1.0.4
openbb-core 1.1.6
openbb-crypto 1.1.5
openbb-currency 1.1.5
openbb-derivatives 1.1.5
openbb-economy 1.1.5
openbb-empty-router 0.0.1 /Users/username/path_to_created_folder/empty_router

Build Static Assets

python -c "import openbb;"

The installation can be verified by inspecting obb.reference. Start a Python session and import the OpenBB Platform.

from openbb import obb


The list should include the newly created and installed extension, empty@0.0.1.

Smoke Test

Run the added commands.


id: 0663956f-a01d-751b-8000-b44c72e60664
results: Hello from the Empty Router extension!
provider: None
warnings: None
chart: None
extra: {'metadata': {'arguments': {'provider_choices': {}, 'standard_params': {}, '...


This process created, built, and installed a new OpenBB router extension from scratch.

The next step is to map Provider Interface models, and/or create custom GET/POST request functions to import directly for use in the router.