World News
Implementation details
Class names
Model name | Parameters class | Data class |
WorldNews | WorldNewsQueryParams | WorldNewsData |
Import Statement
from openbb_core.provider.standard_models.world_news import (
- standard
- benzinga
- biztoc
- fmp
- intrinio
- tiingo
Name | Type | Description | Default | Optional |
limit | int | The number of data entries to return. The number of articles to return. | 2500 | True |
start_date | Union[date, str] | Start date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
end_date | Union[date, str] | End date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
Name | Type | Description | Default | Optional |
limit | int | The number of data entries to return. The number of articles to return. | 2500 | True |
start_date | Union[date, str] | Start date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
end_date | Union[date, str] | End date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
date | Union[date, str] | A specific date to get data for. | None | True |
display | Literal['headline', 'abstract', 'full'] | Specify headline only (headline), headline + teaser (abstract), or headline + full body (full). | full | True |
updated_since | int | Number of seconds since the news was updated. | None | True |
published_since | int | Number of seconds since the news was published. | None | True |
sort | Literal['id', 'created', 'updated'] | Key to sort the news by. | created | True |
order | Literal['asc', 'desc'] | Order to sort the news by. | desc | True |
isin | str | The ISIN of the news to retrieve. | None | True |
cusip | str | The CUSIP of the news to retrieve. | None | True |
channels | str | Channels of the news to retrieve. | None | True |
topics | str | Topics of the news to retrieve. | None | True |
authors | str | Authors of the news to retrieve. | None | True |
content_types | str | Content types of the news to retrieve. | None | True |
Name | Type | Description | Default | Optional |
limit | int | The number of data entries to return. The number of articles to return. | 2500 | True |
start_date | Union[date, str] | Start date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
end_date | Union[date, str] | End date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
term | str | Search term to filter articles by. This overrides all other filters. | None | True |
source | str | Filter by a specific publisher. Only valid when filter is set to source. | None | True |
Name | Type | Description | Default | Optional |
limit | int | The number of data entries to return. The number of articles to return. | 2500 | True |
start_date | Union[date, str] | Start date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
end_date | Union[date, str] | End date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
Name | Type | Description | Default | Optional |
limit | int | The number of data entries to return. The number of articles to return. | 2500 | True |
start_date | Union[date, str] | Start date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
end_date | Union[date, str] | End date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
source | Literal['yahoo', 'moody', 'moody_us_news', 'moody_us_press_releases'] | The source of the news article. | None | True |
sentiment | Literal['positive', 'neutral', 'negative'] | Return news only from this source. | None | True |
language | str | Filter by language. Unsupported for yahoo source. | None | True |
topic | str | Filter by topic. Unsupported for yahoo source. | None | True |
word_count_greater_than | int | News stories will have a word count greater than this value. Unsupported for yahoo source. | None | True |
word_count_less_than | int | News stories will have a word count less than this value. Unsupported for yahoo source. | None | True |
is_spam | bool | Filter whether it is marked as spam or not. Unsupported for yahoo source. | None | True |
business_relevance_greater_than | float | News stories will have a business relevance score more than this value. Unsupported for yahoo source. Value is a decimal between 0 and 1. | None | True |
business_relevance_less_than | float | News stories will have a business relevance score less than this value. Unsupported for yahoo source. Value is a decimal between 0 and 1. | None | True |
Name | Type | Description | Default | Optional |
limit | int | The number of data entries to return. The number of articles to return. | 2500 | True |
start_date | Union[date, str] | Start date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
end_date | Union[date, str] | End date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | None | True |
offset | int | Page offset, used in conjunction with limit. | 0 | True |
source | Union[str, List[str]] | A comma-separated list of the domains requested. Multiple items allowed for provider(s): tiingo. | None | True |
- standard
- benzinga
- biztoc
- fmp
- intrinio
- tiingo
Name | Type | Description |
date | Union[datetime, str] | The date of the data. The published date of the article. |
title | str | Title of the article. |
images | List[Dict[str, str]] | Images associated with the article. |
text | str | Text/body of the article. |
url | str | URL to the article. |
Name | Type | Description |
date | Union[datetime, str] | The date of the data. The published date of the article. |
title | str | Title of the article. |
images | List[Dict[str, str]] | Images associated with the article. |
text | str | Text/body of the article. |
url | str | URL to the article. |
id | str | Article ID. |
author | str | Author of the news. |
teaser | str | Teaser of the news. |
channels | str | Channels associated with the news. |
stocks | str | Stocks associated with the news. |
tags | str | Tags associated with the news. |
updated | datetime | Updated date of the news. |
Name | Type | Description |
date | Union[datetime, str] | The date of the data. The published date of the article. |
title | str | Title of the article. |
images | list[dict[str, str]] | Images for the article. |
text | str | Text/body of the article. |
url | str | URL to the article. |
tags | list[str] | Tags for the article. |
score | float | Search relevance score for the article. |
Name | Type | Description |
date | Union[datetime, str] | The date of the data. The published date of the article. |
title | str | Title of the article. |
images | List[Dict[str, str]] | Images associated with the article. |
text | str | Text/body of the article. |
url | str | URL to the article. |
site | str | News source. |
Name | Type | Description |
date | Union[datetime, str] | The date of the data. The published date of the article. |
title | str | Title of the article. |
images | List[Dict[str, str]] | Images associated with the article. |
text | str | Text/body of the article. |
url | str | URL to the article. |
source | str | The source of the news article. |
summary | str | The summary of the news article. |
topics | str | The topics related to the news article. |
word_count | int | The word count of the news article. |
business_relevance | float | How strongly correlated the news article is to the business |
sentiment | str | The sentiment of the news article - i.e, negative, positive. |
sentiment_confidence | float | The confidence score of the sentiment rating. |
language | str | The language of the news article. |
spam | bool | Whether the news article is spam. |
copyright | str | The copyright notice of the news article. |
id | str | Article ID. |
company | IntrinioCompany | The Intrinio Company object. Contains details company reference data. |
security | IntrinioSecurity | The Intrinio Security object. Contains the security details related to the news article. |
Name | Type | Description |
date | Union[datetime, str] | The date of the data. The published date of the article. |
title | str | Title of the article. |
images | List[Dict[str, str]] | Images associated with the article. |
text | str | Text/body of the article. |
url | str | URL to the article. |
symbols | str | Ticker tagged in the fetched news. |
article_id | int | Unique ID of the news article. |
site | str | News source. |
tags | str | Tags associated with the news article. |
crawl_date | datetime | Date the news article was crawled. |