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This page covers working with the GitHub repository, and contributing code via a pull request.

GitHub Cheat Sheet

See the page here for a GitHub cheat sheet.

Merge Conflicts

If you have installed the OpenBB Platform in editable mode (i.e, with, you may encounter merge conflicts when switching branches. They will most likely originate from the static assets automatically generated for the Python interface, and are in the folders:

  • /openbb_platform/openbb/assets
  • /openbb_platform/openbb/package

Discard any changes within and they will be regenerated upon the next initialization.

Alternatively, git stash will do the trick.


Code contributions are made by creating a pull request on GitHub. Branches should typically be created from the /develop branch, and they should be named according to the conventions described next section below.

Branch Naming Conventions

Before creating a new branch, switch to the develop branch and update your local cloned repo.

git fetch
git checkout develop

If there are conflicting changes with the develop branch, stash the local changes first.

To submit a PR, a local branch or fork must be named according to the naming conventions:

  • feature/feature-name
  • bugfix/bugfix-name
  • docs/docs-name

These branches can only have PRs pointing to the develop branch.

Create Pull Request

A pull request should contain descriptions and details of all proposed changes, with any details maintainers and testers will need to know.

Please use one of the supplied Pull Request Templates.

Linting errors should be cleared, and any tests related to the changed files should be passing.