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symbolTextSymbol to get data for. Multiple comma separated items allowed.False
start_dateTextStart date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format.False
end_dateTextEnd date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format.False
limitNumberThe number of data entries to return.False
dateTextA specific date to get data for.False
displayTextSpecify headline only (headline), headline + teaser (abstract), or headline + full body (full). Options: headline, abstract, full.False
updated_sinceNumberNumber of seconds since the news was updated.False
published_sinceNumberNumber of seconds since the news was published.False
orderTextOrder to sort the news by. Options: asc, desc.False
isinTextThe company's ISIN.False
cusipTextThe company's CUSIP.False
channelsTextChannels of the news to retrieve.False
topicsTextTopics of the news to retrieve.False
authorsTextAuthors of the news to retrieve.False
content_typesTextContent types of the news to retrieve.False


dateThe date of the data. Here it is the published date of the article.
titleTitle of the article.
textText/body of the article.
imagesURL to the images of the news.
urlURL to the article.
symbolsSymbols associated with the article.
idArticle ID.
authorAuthor of the article.
teaserTeaser of the news.
channelsChannels associated with the news.
stocksStocks associated with the news.
tagsTags associated with the news.
updatedUpdated date of the news.