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symbolTextSymbol to get data for. Multiple comma separated items allowed.False
start_dateTextStart date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format.False
end_dateTextEnd date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format.False
limitNumberThe number of data entries to return.False
dateTextA specific date to get data for.False
displayTextSpecify headline only (headline), headline + teaser (abstract), or headline + full body (full). Options: headline, abstract, full.False
updated_sinceNumberNumber of seconds since the news was updated.False
published_sinceNumberNumber of seconds since the news was published.False
orderTextOrder to sort the news by. Options: asc, desc.False
isinTextThe company's ISIN.False
cusipTextThe company's CUSIP.False
channelsTextChannels of the news to retrieve.False
topicsTextTopics of the news to retrieve.False
authorsTextAuthors of the news to retrieve.False
content_typesTextContent types of the news to retrieve.False


dateThe date of the data. Here it is the published date of the article.
titleTitle of the article.
textText/body of the article.
imagesImages associated with the article.
urlURL to the article.
symbolsSymbols associated with the article.
sourceSource of the article.
tagsKeywords/tags in the article
idArticle ID.
amp_urlAMP URL.
publisherPublisher of the article.