Get economic indicators by country and indicator.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
symbol | Text | Symbol to get data for. The base symbol for the indicator (e.g. GDP, CPI, etc.). Multiple comma separated items allowed. | True |
country | Text | The country to get data. The country represented by the indicator, if available. Multiple comma separated items allowed. | False |
start_date | Text | Start date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | False |
end_date | Text | End date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format. | False |
transform | Text | tusd` should only be used where values are currencies. Options: toya, tpop, tusd, tpgp. | False |
frequency | Text | The frequency of the data, default is 'quarter'. Only valid when 'symbol' is 'main'. Options: annual, quarter, month. | False |
use_cache | Boolean | If True, the request will be cached for one day. Using cache is recommended to avoid needlessly requesting the same data. | False |