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Get economic indicators by country and indicator.






symbolTextSymbol to get data for. The base symbol for the indicator (e.g. GDP, CPI, etc.). Multiple comma separated items allowed.True
countryTextThe country to get data. The country represented by the indicator, if available. Multiple comma separated items allowed.False
start_dateTextStart date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format.False
end_dateTextEnd date of the data, in YYYY-MM-DD format.False
transformTexttusd` should only be used where values are currencies. Options: toya, tpop, tusd, tpgp.False
frequencyTextThe frequency of the data, default is 'quarter'. Only valid when 'symbol' is 'main'. Options: annual, quarter, month.False
use_cacheBooleanIf True, the request will be cached for one day. Using cache is recommended to avoid needlessly requesting the same data.False