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Get general information about a company. This includes company name, industry, sector and price data.






symbolTextSymbol to get data for. Multiple comma separated items allowed.True


symbolSymbol representing the entity requested in the data.
nameCommon name of the company.
cikCentral Index Key (CIK) for the requested entity.
cusipCUSIP identifier for the company.
isinInternational Securities Identification Number.
leiLegal Entity Identifier assigned to the company.
legal_nameOfficial legal name of the company.
stock_exchangeStock exchange where the company is traded.
sicStandard Industrial Classification code for the company.
short_descriptionShort description of the company.
long_descriptionLong description of the company.
ceoChief Executive Officer of the company.
company_urlURL of the company's website.
business_addressAddress of the company's headquarters.
mailing_addressMailing address of the company.
business_phone_noPhone number of the company's headquarters.
hq_address_1Address of the company's headquarters.
hq_address_2Address of the company's headquarters.
hq_address_cityCity of the company's headquarters.
hq_address_postal_codeZip code of the company's headquarters.
hq_stateState of the company's headquarters.
hq_countryCountry of the company's headquarters.
inc_stateState in which the company is incorporated.
inc_countryCountry in which the company is incorporated.
employeesNumber of employees working for the company.
entity_legal_formLegal form of the company.
entity_statusStatus of the company.
latest_filing_dateDate of the company's latest filing.
irs_numberIRS number assigned to the company.
sectorSector in which the company operates.
industry_categoryCategory of industry in which the company operates.
industry_groupGroup of industry in which the company operates.
templateTemplate used to standardize the company's financial statements.
standardized_activeWhether the company is active or not.
first_fundamental_dateDate of the company's first fundamental.
last_fundamental_dateDate of the company's last fundamental.
first_stock_price_dateDate of the company's first stock price.
last_stock_price_dateDate of the company's last stock price.
idIntrinio ID for the company.
thea_enabledWhether the company has been enabled for Thea.