period_ending | The end date of the reporting period. |
fiscal_period | The fiscal period of the report. |
fiscal_year | The fiscal year of the fiscal period. |
revenue | Total Revenue |
cost_of_revenue_goods | Cost of Revenue - Goods |
cost_of_revenue_services | Cost of Revenue - Services |
cost_of_revenue | Cost of Revenue |
gross_profit | Gross Profit |
provisions_for_loan_lease_and_other_losses | Provisions for loan lease and other losses |
depreciation_and_amortization | Depreciation and Amortization |
income_tax_expense_benefit_current | Income tax expense benefit current |
deferred_tax_benefit | Deferred tax benefit |
benefits_costs_expenses | Benefits, costs and expenses |
selling_general_and_administrative_expense | Selling, general and administrative expense |
research_and_development | Research and development |
costs_and_expenses | Costs and expenses |
other_operating_expenses | Other Operating Expenses |
operating_expenses | Operating expenses |
operating_income | Operating Income/Loss |
non_operating_income | Non Operating Income/Loss |
interest_and_dividend_income | Interest and Dividend Income |
total_interest_expense | Interest Expense |
interest_and_debt_expense | Interest and Debt Expense |
net_interest_income | Interest Income Net |
interest_income_after_provision_for_losses | Interest Income After Provision for Losses |
non_interest_expense | Non-Interest Expense |
non_interest_income | Non-Interest Income |
income_from_discontinued_operations_net_of_tax_on_disposal | Income From Discontinued Operations Net of Tax on Disposal |
income_from_discontinued_operations_net_of_tax | Income From Discontinued Operations Net of Tax |
income_before_equity_method_investments | Income Before Equity Method Investments |
income_from_equity_method_investments | Income From Equity Method Investments |
total_pre_tax_income | Income Before Tax |
income_tax_expense | Income Tax Expense |
income_after_tax | Income After Tax |
consolidated_net_income | Net Income/Loss |
net_income_attributable_noncontrolling_interest | Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interest |
net_income_attributable_to_parent | Net income (loss) attributable to parent |
net_income_attributable_to_common_shareholders | Net Income/Loss Available To Common Stockholders Basic |
participating_securities_earnings | Participating Securities Distributed And Undistributed Earnings Loss Basic |
undistributed_earnings_allocated_to_participating_securities | Undistributed Earnings Allocated To Participating Securities |
common_stock_dividends | Common Stock Dividends |
preferred_stock_dividends_and_other_adjustments | Preferred stock dividends and other adjustments |
basic_earnings_per_share | Earnings Per Share |
diluted_earnings_per_share | Diluted Earnings Per Share |
weighted_average_basic_shares_outstanding | Basic Average Shares |
weighted_average_diluted_shares_outstanding | Diluted Average Shares |