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Get company general business and stock data for a given company.






symbolTextSymbol to get data for.True


symbolSymbol representing the entity requested in the data.
pricePrice of the company.
betaBeta of the company.
vol_avgVolume average of the company.
mkt_capMarket capitalization of the company.
last_divLast dividend of the company.
rangeRange of the company.
changesChanges of the company.
company_nameCompany name of the company.
currencyCurrency of the company.
cikCentral Index Key (CIK) for the requested entity.
isinISIN of the company.
cusipCUSIP of the company.
exchangeExchange of the company.
exchange_short_nameExchange short name of the company.
industryIndustry of the company.
websiteWebsite of the company.
descriptionDescription of the company.
ceoCEO of the company.
sectorSector of the company.
countryCountry of the company.
full_time_employeesFull time employees of the company.
phonePhone of the company.
addressAddress of the company.
cityCity of the company.
stateState of the company.
zipZip of the company.
dcf_diffDiscounted cash flow difference of the company.
dcfDiscounted cash flow of the company.
imageImage of the company.
ipo_dateIPO date of the company.
default_imageIf the image is the default image.
is_etfIf the company is an ETF.
is_actively_tradingIf the company is actively trading.
is_adrIf the company is an ADR.
is_fundIf the company is a fund.