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The features in this menu are intended to show the reported trades of elected officials, lobbyist activity, awarded contracts, and general spending of the United States Treasury Department. This menu only covers the USA, or companies that trade on US exchanges. The information in this menu is compiled by QuiverQuant.


Enter the menu from /stocks with gov, or via the absolute path:


The menu is divided into two sections. Features under the Explore do not depend on individual tickers, while the commands listed under Ticker do.

Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 11 18 40 AM

A symbol can be set by using load.


The lasttrades command displays the most recent purchase and sale disclosures by representatives.

Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 11 23 48 AM


toplobbying shows which public companies are spending the most on lobbying efforts.

/stocks/gov/toplobbying --limit 1

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For descriptions of each lobbying event from a company, load a ticker and then use the lobbying command.

/stocks/gov/load lmt/lobbying --limit 1

Tax matters impacting Lockheed Martin Corporation.

Defense issues impacting Lockheed Martin Corporation.

H.R.2670/S.2226 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024.

Defense Appropriations.


lastcontracts is a list of the most recently awarded government contracts.

/stocks/gov/lastcontracts --limit 

Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 12 27 34 PM