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Dark Pools & Short Data

The purpose of this menu is to provide the user with tools for gauging the level of short interest, FTD rate, and off-exchange volume in a NMS security. There are also commands for looking at market as a whole.


Enter the dps menu from the /stocks menu, or through the absolute path:


Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 8 33 58 AM

The commands which are not ticker-specific are grouped at the top of the menu, and they provide screener-like utility.


A list of the most-shorted stocks, according to Yahoo Finance, is displayed with the shorted command. It should be noted that this menu is only able to provide data for SEC-regulated equities.


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The hsi command includes the percent of short interest relative to the float size.


Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 8 40 39 AM


prom performs a linear regression to scan for tickers with growing trade activity on ATS tapes, reported to FINRA.

/stocks/dps/prom -n 50 -l 5 -t T1
Processing Tier T1 ...
Processing regression on 50 promising tickers ...

Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 8 45 21 AM

Tier 2 NMS Tickers:

/stocks/dps/prom -n 50 -l 5 -t T2
Processing Tier T2 ...
Processing regression on 50 promising tickers ...

Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 8 48 32 AM

pos provides a summary for the last reported trading day (information is updated in the early evening). Position represents a rolling twenty-day total and directional trends can be identified by watching the changes over time. Adding the -a flag will sort the list from the bottom up - the most negative - and creates a fuller picture when watching in tandom with the positive side of the ledger. Monitor the rate of change in position sizes, or a reversal in directional flow. This white paper, written by SqueezeMetrics, sheds some light on the trading activity reported here.

/stocks/dps pos

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The other end of the spectrum:

/stocks/dps/pos -a

Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 8 58 27 AM


The cost-to-borrow is used as a proxy-measurement for an equity's specialness. ctb shows the most expensive equities to short, and the number shares available to short, on Interactive Brokers.

/stocks/dps/ctb -n 5


The ftd command will lookup the SEC-reported fails-to-deliver data for a single company. Use load to set the symbol.

/stocks/dps/load cvna/ftd --start 2022-01-01

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