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Shows list of crypto, fiats, commodity exchange rates from CoinGecko You can look on only N number of records with --limit, You can sort by Index, Name, Unit, Value, Type, and also use --reverse flag to sort descending.


exrates [-l LIMIT] [-s {Index,Name,Unit,Value,Type}] [-r]


limitdisplay N number records15TrueNone
sortbySort by given column. Default: IndexIndexTrueIndex, Name, Unit, Value, Type
reverseData is sorted in ascending order by default. Reverse flag will sort it in an descending way. Only works when raw data is displayed.FalseTrueNone


2022 Feb 15, 08:12 (🦋) /crypto/ov/ $ exrates
Exchange Rates
│ Index │ Name │ Unit │ Value │ Type │
1 │ Bitcoin │ BTC │ 1.00 │ crypto │
2 │ Ether │ ETH │ 14.20 │ crypto │
3 │ Litecoin │ LTC │ 337.43 │ crypto │
4 │ Bitcoin Cash │ BCH │ 130.59 │ crypto │
5 │ Binance Coin │ BNB │ 103.36 │ crypto │
6 │ EOS │ EOS │ 17907.80 │ crypto │
7 │ XRP │ XRP │ 53041.60 │ crypto │
8 │ Lumens │ XLM │ 201835.99 │ crypto │
9 │ Chainlink │ LINK │ 2619.11 │ crypto │
10 │ Polkadot │ DOT │ 2235.39 │ crypto │
11 │ │ YFI │ 1.85 │ crypto │
12 │ US Dollar │ $ │ 44258.09 │ fiat │
13 │ United Arab Emirates Dirham │ DH │ 162560.27 │ fiat │
14 │ Argentine Peso │ $ │ 4711797.18 │ fiat │
15 │ Australian Dollar │ A$ │ 61998.28 │ fiat │