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Shows top cryptocurrency categories by market capitalization. It includes categories like: stablecoins, defi, solana ecosystem, polkadot ecosystem and many others. You can sort by {}, using --sortby parameter


categories [-l LIMIT] [-s {Name,Market_Cap,Market_Cap_Change_24H,Top_3_Coins,Volume_24H}] [--pie]


limitdisplay N number of records15TrueNone
sortbySort by given column. Default: market_cap_descMarket_CapTrueName, Market_Cap, Market_Cap_Change_24H, Top_3_Coins, Volume_24H
pieFlag to show pie chartFalseTrueNone


2022 Feb 15, 08:10 (🦋) /crypto/ov/ $ categories
│ Name │ Market Cap │ Market Cap Change 24H │ Top 3 Coins │ Volume 24H │
│ Smart Contract Platform │ 678.047 B │ 8.095 │ ethereum,binance-coin-logo,cardano │ 27.408 B │
│ Binance Smart Chain Ecosystem │ 339.679 B │ 3.876 │ Tether-logo,binance-coin-logo,USD_Coin_icon │ 58.906 B │
│ Polygon Ecosystem │ 311.497 B │ 3.644 │ Tether-logo,binance-coin-logo,USD_Coin_icon │ 58.872 B │
│ Avalanche Ecosystem │ 299.726 B │ 3.620 │ Tether-logo,binance-coin-logo,USD_Coin_icon │ 53.420 B │
│ Moonriver Ecosystem │ 288.048 B │ 3.709 │ Tether-logo,binance-coin-logo,USD_Coin_icon │ 55.035 B │
│ Fantom Ecosystem │ 215.497 B │ 1.760 │ Tether-logo,USD_Coin_icon,luna1557227471663 │ 53.904 B │
│ Stablecoins │ 182.561 B │ -0.108 │ Tether-logo,USD_Coin_icon,BUSD │ 50.694 B │
│ Arbitrum Ecosystem │ 180.827 B │ 1.536 │ Tether-logo,USD_Coin_icon,wrapped_bitcoin_wbtc │ 49.169 B │
│ Near Protocol Ecosystem │ 173.873 B │ 1.585 │ Tether-logo,USD_Coin_icon,494349.034 B │
│ Exchange-based Tokens │ 129.556 B │ 7.082 │ binance-coin-logo,cypto,F │ 6.532 B │
│ Decentralized Finance (DeFi)115.516 B │ 6.310 │ luna1557227471663,4943,chainlink-new-logo │ 5.141 B │
│ Centralized Exchange Token (CEX)109.267 B │ 6.734 │ binance-coin-logo,cypto,F │ 2.138 B │
│ Gnosis Chain Ecosystem │ 86.569 B │ 3.015 │ USD_Coin_icon,wrapped_bitcoin_wbtc,chainlink-new-logo │ 5.255 B │
│ Cosmos Ecosystem │ 56.514 B │ 7.509 │ luna1557227471663,cypto,cosmos_hub │ 2.653 B │
│ Solana Ecosystem │ 51.051 B │ 8.194 │ solana,chainlink-new-logo,Graph_Token │ 2.925 B │