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Introduction to Routines

Show short introduction to OpenBB routines


OpenBB Routines allows users to capture and write simple scripts for automating processes and repetitive tasks. In essence, these are text plain-text files that can be created or modified in any basic text editor with the only difference being the .openbb extension.

Other software like STATA, SPSS, and R-Studio share similar functionality in the area of Econometrics and the OpenBB routine scripts venture into the area of financial analysis and data collection to speed up the process.

Routines make it easy to automate a series of processes, and this includes mining and dumping large amounts of data to organized spreadsheets. Making use of --export and --sheet-name, data collection is more efficient and reliable, with results that are easily replicable.

A pipeline of commands is difficult to share, so to encourage users to share ideas and processes, we created Community Routines for the OpenBB Hub. Routines can be created, stored, and shared - executable in any Terminal installation, by URL.

Routine execution

Run a routine file from the main menu, with the exe command. A great start would be to use exe --example to get a sense of what this functionality does. Below, the --help dialogue is displayed.

/exe -h
usage: exe [--file FILE [FILE ...]] [-i ROUTINE_ARGS] [-e] [--url URL] [-h]

Execute automated routine script. For an example, please use `exe --example` and for documentation and to learn how create your own script type `about exe`.

optional arguments:
--file FILE [FILE ...], -f FILE [FILE ...]
The path or .openbb file to run. (default: None)
Select multiple inputs to be replaced in the routine and separated by commas. E.g. GME,AMC,BTC-USD (default: None)
-e, --example Run an example script to understand how routines can be used. (default: False)
--url URL URL to run openbb script from. (default: None)
-h, --help show this help message (default: False)

For more information and examples, use 'about exe' to access the related guide.

Basic Script


The most basic script style contains 2 main elements:

  • Comments: any text after a hashtag (#) is referred to as a comment. This is used to explain what is happening within the line below and is ignored when the file is executed.
  • Commands: any text without a hashtag is being run inside the OpenBB Terminal as if the user had prompted that line in the terminal. Note that this means that you are able to create a pipeline of commands in a single line, i.e. stocks/load AAPL/candle --ma 20 is a valid line for the script.

For instance, the text below corresponds to the example file that OpenBB provides.

# Go into the stocks context

# Load a company ticker, e.g. Apple
load AAPL

# Show a candle chart with a 20 day Moving Average
candle --ma 20

# Switch over to the Fundamental Analysis menu

# Show Earnings per Share (EPS) estimates

# Show price targets charts

# Show future estimations

# Return to home

Getting started

As a starting point, let's use the example above.

  1. Create a new text file with the name routines_template.openbb and copy and paste the routine above.

  2. Move the file inside the routines folder within the OpenBBUserData folder and, optionally, adjust the name to your liking.

  3. Open up the OpenBB Terminal, and type exe --file routines_template. If you changed the name of the file, then replace, routines_template, with that. As long as the file remains in the ~/OpenBBUserData/routines folder, OpenBB Terminal's auto-completer will provide it as a choice.

When this routine is run, a candle chart with a moving average of 20 days, expectations and price targets from analysts and estimated future performance should pop up before returning to the home window.

OpenBB Routine Script Execution