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Structure and Navigation


Short introduction to terminal structure

The OpenBB Terminal is a Command Line Interface (CLI) application. Functions (commands) are called through the keyboard with results returned as charts, tables, or text. Charts and tables (if enabled) are displayed in a new window, and are fully interactive, while text prints directly to the Terminal screen.

The Home Screen

A menu is a collection of commands (and sub-menus). A menu can be distinguished from a command because the former has a > on the left. The color of a command and a menu also differ, but these can be changed in OpenBB Hub's theme style.

Navigating through the Terminal menus is similar to traversing folders from any operating system's command line prompt. The /home screen is the main directory where everything begins, and the menus are paths branched from the main. Instead of C:\Users\OpenBB\Documents, you'll have something like /stocks/options. Instead of cd .., you can do .. to return the menu right above. To go back to the root menu you can do /.

Absolute paths are also valid to-and-from any point. From the /stocks/options menu, you can go directly to crypto menu with: /crypto. Note the forward slash at the start to denote the "absolute" path.

Short introduction to navigation