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OpenBB Charting


The openbb-charting extension provides elements for building and displaying interactive charts, tables, dashboards, and more, directly from the OpenBB Platform's Python Interface and FAST API.

It allows users to create a custom view, without any previous experience working with Plotly, from any response served by the OpenBB Platform.

The Python Interface includes a custom PyWry backend for displaying any content, in a WebKit HTML window served over localhost. In an IDE setting, they will be rendered inline.

To install, follow the instructions here. The sections below provide a general explanation of the extension.

How Does It Work?

It works by extending the OBBject class with a new attribute, charting. When it is installed, every response from the OpenBB Platform will be equipped with these tools.

For functions that have pre-defined views, it serves as an intermediary between the user request and the response, activated when chart=True. When a chart is created, it will populate the existing, chart, attribute of the OBBject. This is where it is served by the FAST API from the function request. In the Python Interface, charts can be generated post-request, regardless of chart=True.

The chart attribute in the OBBject contains three items, responses from the API have two:

  • fig: The OpenBBFigure object - an extended Plotly GraphObjects class. Not included in the API response.
  • content: The Plotly JSON representation of the chart - Returned to the API.
  • format: The format of the chart - 'plotly' is currently the only charting library.

There is one OBBject class method, show(), which will display the contents of the chart attribute, if populated.

The new charting attribute that binds to the OBBject also has a show() method. This differs in that it overwrites the existing chart, effectively a 'reset' for the view.

The extension has a docstring, and it lists the class methods within charting.

from openbb import obb
data = obb.equity.price.historical("AAPL")
Charting extension.

Display chart and save it to the OBBject.
Redraw the chart and save it to the OBBject, with an optional entry point for Data.
Return a list of Platform commands with charting functions.
Return the charting parameters for the function the OBBject was created from.
Return the list of the available technical indicators to use with the `to_chart` method and OHLC+V data.
Display an interactive table.
Create a line chart from external data.
Create a bar chart, on a single x-axis with one or more values for the y-axis, from external data.

When creating a chart directly from the OpenBB Platform endpoint, chart parameters must be passed as a nested dictionary under the name, chart_params.

chart_params = dict(
title="AAPL 50/200 Day EMA",
params = dict(
data = obb.equity.price.historical(**params)

chart_params are sent in the body of the request when using the API.

Passing only chart=True will return a default view which can be modified and drawn again post-request, via the OBBject.


id: 06614d74-7443-7201-8000-a65f358136a3
results: [{'date':, 1, 3), 'open': 177.8300018310547, 'high': 18...
provider: yfinance
warnings: None
chart: {'content': {'data': [{'close': [182.00999450683594, 179.6999969482422, 174....
extra: {'metadata': {'arguments': {'provider_choices': {'provider': 'yfinance'}, 's...

candles with ema

No Render

The charts can be created without opening the PyWry window, and this is the default behaviour when chart=True. With the and charting.to_chart() methods, the default is render=True. Setting as False will return the chart to itself, populating the chart attribute of OBBject.

What Endpoints Have Charts?

The OpenBB Platform router, open_api.json, function signatures, and documentation are all generated based on your specific configuration. When the openbb-charting extension is installed, any function found in the "charting_router" adds chart: bool = False to the command on build. For example, obb.index.price.historical?

symbol: Annotated[Union[str, List[str]], OpenBBCustomParameter(description='Symbol to get data for. Multiple comma separated items allowed for provider(s): cboe, fmp, intrinio, polygon, yfinance.')],
chart: typing.Annotated[bool, OpenBBCustomParameter(description='Whether to create a chart or not, by default False.')] = False,
) ->

Charting Functions

The charting attribute of every command output has methods for identifying the charting functions and parameters. While able to serve JSON-serializable charts, the openbb-charting extension is best-suited for use with the Python Interface. Much of the functionality is realized post-request.

Examine the extension by returning any command at all.

from openbb import obb

data = obb.equity.price.historical("SPY,QQQ,XLK,BTC-USD", provider="yfinance")


The list above should, as shown here, should not be considered as the source of truth. It's just a sample.

If the OBBject in question has a dedicated charting function associated with it, parameters are detailed by the get_params() method.



data : Union[Data, list[Data], NoneType]
Filtered versions of the data contained in the original `self.results`.
Columns should be the same as the original data.
Example use is to reduce the number of columns, or the length of data, to plot.

title : Union[str, NoneType]
Title of the chart.

target : Union[str, NoneType]
The specific column to target.
If supplied, this will override the candles and volume parameters.

multi_symbol : bool
Flag to indicate whether the data contains multiple symbols.
This is mostly handled automatically, but if the chart fails to generate try setting this to True.

same_axis : bool
If True, forces all data to be plotted on the same axis.

normalize : bool
If True, the data will be normalized and placed on the same axis.

returns : bool
If True, the cumulative returns for the length of the time series will be calculated and plotted.

candles : bool
If True, and OHLC exists, and there is only one symbol in the data, candles will be plotted.

heikin_ashi : bool
If True, and `candles=True`, Heikin Ashi candles will be plotted.

volume : bool
If True, and volume exists, and `candles=True`, volume will be plotted.

indicators : Union[ChartIndicators, dict[str, dict[str, Any]], NoneType]
Indicators to be plotted, formatted as a dictionary.
Data containing multiple symbols will ignore indicators.
indicators = dict(

Not all commands will have the same chart_params, and some less than others, but it is always possible to redraw the chart with a different combination post-request. Here's what the default chart is from the output of the command above.

If chart=True was not specified, it will need to be created.



The extension recognized that multiple symbols were within the object, and made a determination to display cumulative returns by default.

A candlestick chart will draw only when there is one symbol in the data.

chart_params=dict(title="XLK YTD", heikin_ashi=True)


Endpoints Without Charts

Most functions do not have dedicated charts. However, it's still possible to generate one automatically. Using the data above, we can try passing it through a quantitative analysis command.

data = obb.equity.price.historical(
qa = obb.quantitative.rolling.stdev(data.results, target="close")"XLK Rolling 21 Day Standard Deviation")

auto chart

Charts From Any Data

There are methods for creating a generic chart from any external data. They will bypass any data contained in the parent object, unless specifically fed into itself.

  • charting.create_bar_chart()
  • charting.create_line_chart()

They can also be used as standalone components by initializing an empty instance of the OBBject class.

from openbb import obb
from import OBBject
create_bar_chart = OBBject(results=None).charting.create_bar_chart

Create a bar chart on a single x-axis with one or more values for the y-axis.

data : Union[list, dict, pd.DataFrame, List[pd.DataFrame], pd.Series, List[pd.Series], np.ndarray, Data]
Data to plot.
x : str
The x-axis column name.
y : Union[str, List[str]]
The y-axis column name(s).
barmode : Literal["group", "stack", "relative", "overlay"], optional
The bar mode, by default "group".
xtype : Literal["category", "multicategory", "date", "log", "linear"], optional
The x-axis type, by default "category".
title : Optional[str], optional
The title of the chart, by default None.
xtitle : Optional[str], optional
The x-axis title, by default None.
ytitle : Optional[str], optional
The y-axis title, by default None.
orientation : Literal["h", "v"], optional
The orientation of the chart, by default "v".
colors: Optional[List[str]], optional
Manually set the colors to cycle through for each column in 'y', by default None.
layout_kwargs : Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional
Additional keyword arguments to apply with figure.update_layout(), by default None.

The OpenBBFigure object.


The openbb-charting extension is equipped with interactive tables, utilizing the React framework. They are displayed by using the table method.

data = obb.equity.price.quote("AAPL,MSFT,GOOGL,META,TSLA,AMZN", provider="yfinance")

Interactive Tables

External data can also be supplied, providing an opportunity to filter or apply Pandas operations before display.

new_df = df.to_df().T"metric"
new_df.columns = new_df.loc["symbol"]
new_df.drop("symbol", inplace=True)

Tables From External Data


This does not alter the contents of the original object, the displayed data is a copy.