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Display information about listed dApps on DeFi Llama. [Source:]


ldapps [-l LIMIT] [-s {tvl,symbol,category,chains,change_1h,change_1d,change_7d,name}] [-r] [--desc]


limitNumber of records to display10TrueNone
sortbySort by given column. Default: tvltvlTruetvl, symbol, category, chains, change_1h, change_1d, change_7d, name
reverseData is sorted in descending order by default. Reverse flag will sort it in an ascending way. Only works when raw data is displayed.FalseTrueNone
descriptionFlag to display description of protocolFalseTrueNone


2022 Feb 15, 06:24 (🦋) /crypto/defi/ $ ldapps
│ Name │ Symbol │ Category │ Chains │ Change 1H (%) │ Change 1D (%) │ Change 7D (%) │ TVL ($)
│ Curve │ CRV │ Dexes │ Ethereum, Avalanche, Fantom, Polygon, Arbitrum, B │
│ │ │ │ xDai, Harmony, Optimism │ │ │ │ │
│ MakerDAO │ MKR │ CDP │ Ethereum │ 0.004.68-0.3517.551 B │
│ Convex Finance │ CVX │ Yield │ Ethereum │ -0.001.980.4013.657 B │
│ AAVE │ AAVE │ Lending │ Ethereum, Avalanche, Polygon │ 0.003.06-0.0213.597 B │
│ WBTC │ WBTC │ Bridge │ Ethereum │ B │
│ Polygon Bridge & Staking │ MATIC │ Chain │ Polygon │ 0.00-1.841.4210.344 B │
│ Lido │ LDO │ Staking │ Ethereum, Terra, Solana │ 0.008.700.429.626 B │
│ Anchor │ ANC │ Lending │ Terra │ - B │
│ Uniswap │ UNI │ Dexes │ Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism │ 0.785.380.137.652 B │
│ Multichain │ MULTI │ Bridge │ Fantom, Avalanche, Ethereum, Binance, Moonriver,0.003.05-5.377.305 B │
│ │ │ │ Arbitrum, Harmony, OKExChain, Polygon, Telos, │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ Heco, xDai, Kucoin, Syscoin │ │ │ │ │