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Fred Search

Implementation details

Class names

Model nameParameters classData class

Import Statement

from openbb_core.provider.standard_models. import (


querystrThe search word(s).NoneTrue
providerLiteral['fred']The provider to use for the query, by default None. If None, the provider specified in defaults is selected or 'fred' if there is no default.fredTrue


release_idUnion[int, str]The release ID for queries.
series_idstrThe series ID for the item in the release.
namestrThe name of the release.
titlestrThe title of the series.
observation_startdateThe date of the first observation in the series.
observation_enddateThe date of the last observation in the series.
frequencystrThe frequency of the data.
frequency_shortstrShort form of the data frequency.
unitsstrThe units of the data.
units_shortstrShort form of the data units.
seasonal_adjustmentstrThe seasonal adjustment of the data.
seasonal_adjustment_shortstrShort form of the data seasonal adjustment.
last_updateddatetimeThe datetime of the last update to the data.
notesstrDescription of the release.
press_releaseboolIf the release is a press release.
urlstrURL to the release.