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See and set expiration date


exp [-i {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17}] [-d {2022-11-25,2022-12-02,2022-12-09,2022-12-16,2022-12-23,2022-12-30,2023-01-20,2023-02-17,2023-03-17,2023-04-21,2023-05-19,2023-06-16,2023-07-21,2023-09-15,2024-01-19,2024-03-15,2024-06-21,2025-01-17,}]


indexSelect index for expiry date.-1Truerange(0, 18)
dateSelect date (YYYY-MM-DD)True2022-11-25, 2022-12-02, 2022-12-09, 2022-12-16, 2022-12-23, 2022-12-30, 2023-01-20, 2023-02-17, 2023-03-17, 2023-04-21, 2023-05-19, 2023-06-16, 2023-07-21, 2023-09-15, 2024-01-19, 2024-03-15, 2024-06-21, 2025-01-17,


2022 Feb 16, 08:50 (🦋) /stocks/options/ $ exp

Available expiry dates:
0. 2022-02-18
1. 2022-02-25
2. 2022-03-04
3. 2022-03-11
4. 2022-03-18
5. 2022-03-25
6. 2022-04-01
7. 2022-04-14
8. 2022-05-20
9. 2022-06-17
10. 2022-07-15
11. 2022-08-19
12. 2022-09-16
13. 2022-10-21
14. 2022-11-18
15. 2022-12-16
16. 2023-01-20
17. 2023-03-17
18. 2023-06-16
19. 2023-09-15
20. 2024-01-19

2022 Feb 16, 08:50 (🦋) /stocks/options/ $ exp 7
Expiration set to 2022-04-14