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Performs regression analysis on Panel Data. There are a multitude of options to select from to fit the needs of restrictions of the dataset.


panel -d DEPENDENT -i INDEPENDENT [-r {pols,re,bols,fe,fdols,POLS,RE,BOLS,FE,FDOLS}] [-e] [-t]


dependentThe dependent variable on the regression you would like to performNoneFalseNone
independentThe independent variables on the regression you would like to perform. E.g. wage_panel.married,wage_panel.unionNoneFalseNone
typeThe type of regression you wish to perform. This can be either pols (Pooled OLS), re (Random Effects), bols (Between OLS), fe (Fixed Effects) or fdols (First Difference OLS)polsTruepols, re, bols, fe, fdols, POLS, RE, BOLS, FE, FDOLS
entity_effectsUsing this command creates entity effects, which is equivalent to including dummies for each entity. This is only used within Fixed Effects estimations (when type is set to 'fe')FalseTrueNone
time_effectsUsing this command creates time effects, which is equivalent to including dummies for each time. This is only used within Fixed Effects estimations (when type is set to 'fe')FalseTrueNone

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