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Installing the OpenBB Terminal via Docker supports both Windows and Unix systems (Linux + MacOS). Installation differs a bit between operating system (Windows, macOS and Linux). Please select the section matching to your OS.

Install Docker Desktop

You can find Docker Desktop for Windows here: Download Docker Desktop

Start Docker

Execute the following command:

docker info

If you have something like this, it means you haven't started Docker:

docker info
ERROR: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock.
Is the docker daemon running?

Start Docker, this is how the right output looks like:

docker info
Context: default
Debug Mode: false

Containers: 14
Running: 2
Paused: 1
Stopped: 10

Install VcXsrv

To display charts with your container, you need: VcXsrv.

You can download VcXsrv here: Download VcXsrv

Once downloaded you will open the program and accept all the defaults expect the below settings:

  • CHECK the option: Disable access control and UNCHECK the Native opengl command

Pull and run the container

Execute these commands:

curl -o docker-compose.yaml

docker compose run openbb

This will download and run the file: docker-compose.yaml

This file contents the settings to pull and run OpenBB Terminal Docker image.