Get historical analyst estimates for earnings and revenue.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
symbol | Text | Symbol to get data for. Multiple comma separated items allowed. | True |
period | Text | Time period of the data to return. Options: quarter, annual. | False |
limit | Number | The number of data entries to return. | False |
- fmp
Name | Description |
symbol | Symbol representing the entity requested in the data. |
date | The date of the data. |
estimated_revenue_low | Estimated revenue low. |
estimated_revenue_high | Estimated revenue high. |
estimated_revenue_avg | Estimated revenue average. |
estimated_sga_expense_low | Estimated SGA expense low. |
estimated_sga_expense_high | Estimated SGA expense high. |
estimated_sga_expense_avg | Estimated SGA expense average. |
estimated_ebitda_low | Estimated EBITDA low. |
estimated_ebitda_high | Estimated EBITDA high. |
estimated_ebitda_avg | Estimated EBITDA average. |
estimated_ebit_low | Estimated EBIT low. |
estimated_ebit_high | Estimated EBIT high. |
estimated_ebit_avg | Estimated EBIT average. |
estimated_net_income_low | Estimated net income low. |
estimated_net_income_high | Estimated net income high. |
estimated_net_income_avg | Estimated net income average. |
estimated_eps_avg | Estimated EPS average. |
estimated_eps_high | Estimated EPS high. |
estimated_eps_low | Estimated EPS low. |
number_analyst_estimated_revenue | Number of analysts who estimated revenue. |
number_analysts_estimated_eps | Number of analysts who estimated EPS. |