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Print quick sentiment inference from last tweets that contain the ticker. This model splits the text into character-level tokens and uses vader sentiment analysis. [Source: Twitter]


infer [-l LIMIT]


limitlimit of latest tweets to infer from.100TrueNone


2022 Feb 19, 13:05 (🦋) /stocks/ba/ $ infer
From: 2022-02-19 17:08:20
To: 2022-02-19 18:04:18
100 tweets were analyzed.
Frequency of approx 1 tweet every 34 seconds.
The summed compound sentiment of AAPL is: 13.2
The average compound sentiment of AAPL is: 0.13
Of the last 100 tweets, 45.00 % had a higher positive sentiment
Of the last 100 tweets, 18.00 % had a higher negative sentiment