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Display number of unique ethereum addresses which made a transaction in given time interval, [Source:]


ueat [-l LIMIT] [-s {date,uniqueSenders,transactions,averageGasPrice,mediumGasPrice,maximumGasPrice}] [-i {day,month,week}] [-r]


limitdisplay N number records. (Maximum available time period is 90 days.Depending on chosen time period, display N records will be recalculated. E.g.For interval: month, and number: 10, period of calculation equals to 300, but because of max days limit: 90, it will only return last 3 months (3 records).10Truerange(1, 90)
sortbySort by given column.dateTruedate, uniqueSenders, transactions, averageGasPrice, mediumGasPrice, maximumGasPrice
intervalTime interval in which ethereum address made transaction. month, week or day. Maximum time period is 90 days (3 months, 14 weeks)dayTrueday, month, week
reverseData is sorted in descending order by default. Reverse flag will sort it in an ascending way. Only works when raw data is displayed.FalseTrueNone

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